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2009년 일본통계연보

일본 통계청
일본 통계청에서 발간한 2009년 일본통계연보 중에서
21장 건강과 공중위생 파트입니다.
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⊙ 2009년 일본통계연보 바로가기
출처 : 일본 통계청 대표홈페이지




21- 1  Intake of National Nutrition(Excel:31KB)
21- 2  Physique of Youths by Age(Excel:33KB)
21- 3  Physical Strength and Physical Ability by Age(Excel:27KB)
21- 4  Physique and Physical Strength of Elderly Persons(Excel:23KB)



21- 5  Meal Service Facilities, Nutritionists and Cooks(Excel:27KB)
21- 6  Business Facilities for Environmental Sanitation, Barbers, Beauty Culturists and Laundrymen(Excel:25KB)
21- 7  Local Area Health Activities by Prefecture(Excel:47KB)
21- 8  Number of Incidents and Patients from Food Poisoning by Causative Food and Preparing Facility(Excel:31KB)



21- 9  Ratio of Pupils or Students Affected by Leading Disease or Physical Anomaly(Excel:25KB)
21-10  Health Conditions of Household Members 6 Years Old and Over by Age Group(Excel:30KB)
21-11  Medical Treatment Recipients Ratio by Age Group (per 100,000 Population)(Excel:27KB)
21-12  Ratio of Outpatients by Occupation, Injury and Disease (per 1,000 Population of 15 Years Old and Over)(Excel:50KB)
21-13  Ratio of Patients by Classification of Diseases, Type of Medical Care Institution According to Inpatient / Outpatient (per 100,000 Population)(Excel:53KB)
21-14  Estimated Inpatients and Outpatients by Classification of Diseases and Age Group(Excel:60KB)
21-15  Deaths and Death Rates by Leading Causes of Death(Excel:32KB)
21-16  Deaths by Leading Causes of Death and Age Group(Excel:52KB)
21-17  Deaths by Leading Causes of Death and Prefecture(Excel:53KB)


Medical Care Institutions

21-18  Medical Care Institutions and Beds by Founder(Excel:37KB)
21-19  Pharmaceutical Business Facilities(Excel:24KB)
21-20  Medical Care Institutions and Pharmacies by Prefecture(Excel:41KB)
21-21  Medical Care Personnel by Prefecture(Excel:42KB)
21-22  Physicians Engaged in Medical Practice(Excel:23KB)
21-23  Persons Engaged in Medical Care Institutions(Excel:34KB)