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2009년 중국통계연보

중국 통계청
중국 통계청에서 발간한 2009년 중국통계연보입니다.
아래 바로가기를 클릭하신 후 검색에 Culture, Sports and Public Health 부분을
보시면 공중보건에 관련된 데이터를 엑셀 파일로 보실 수 있습니다.
⊙ 2009년 중국통계연보 바로가기
출처 : 중국 통계청 대표홈페이지
<목 차>
  • Culture, Sports and Public Health
    • Brief Introduction
    • 21-1 Number of Institutions and Personnel in Culture and Cultural Relics (2008)
    • 21-2 Number of Institutions in Cultural Industry by Region
    • 21-3 Basic Statistics on Performance of Art Troupes (2008)
    • 21-4 Income and Expenditure of Arts Performance Troupes (2008)
    • 21-5 Basic Statistics on National Mass Art Centers and Cultural Centers (Stations) (2008)
    • 21-6 Basic Statistics on Performance in Art Performance Places (2008)
    • 21-7 Statistics on Performance of Art Performance Troupes and Art Performance Places by Region (2008)
    • 21-8 Statistics on Cultural Relics (2008)
    • 21-9 Statistics on Public Library by Region (2008)
    • 21-10 Basic Statistics on Radio and Television Industry
    • 21-11 Basic Statistics on Radio and Television Programs Produced
    • 21-12 Basic Statistics on Radio and Television Programs (2008)
    • 21-13 Basic Statistics on Radio Programs Produced and Broadcasted by Region (2008)
    • 21-14 Basic Statistics on TV Program Produced and Broadcasted by Region (2008)
    • 21-15 Basic Statistics on Imported and Exported TV Programs(2008)
    • 21-16 Basic Statistics on Film Production
    • 21-17 Statistics on Books Published in China by Categories (2008)
    • 21-18 Number of Books, Magazines and Newspapers Published in China
    • 21-19 Number of Books Published for Children and Textbooks by Region (2008)
    • 21-20 Publication of Textbooks (2008)
    • 21-21 Statistics on Publication of Video Products by Region (2008)
    • 21-22 Publication of Audio Products by Region (2008)
    • 21-23 Statistics on Imports and Exports of Books, Magazines and Newspapers (2008)
    • 21-24 Statistics on Audio Products and Electronic Publications (2008)
    • 21-25 Statistics on Archive Institutions and Personnel
    • 21-26 Basic Statistics on National Comprehensive Archives
    • 21-27 Statistics on Staff and Workers in Physical Education System (2008)
    • 21-28 World Records Chalked up by Chinese Athletes by Events (2008)
    • 21-29 World Championships Won by Chinese Athletes
    • 21-30 International Communications of Physical Education (2008)
    • 21-31 Number of Health Care Institutions
    • 21-32 Number of Employed Persons in Health Care Institutions
    • 21-33 Medical Technical Personnel in Health Care Institutions per 1000 Persons
    • 21-34 Number of Village Clinics and Employed Personnel
    • 21-35 Beds in Health Care Institutions
    • 21-36 Beds in Health Care Institutions by Region
    • 21-37 Number of Visits and Inpatients in Medical Institutions (2008)
    • 21-38 Utilization of Beds in Medical Institutions (2008)
    • 21-39 Situations of Medical Services in Township Health Centers
    • 21-40 Medical Services of Community Health Service Centers (Stations)
    • 21-41 Services in Hospitals by Region
    • 21-42 Incidence, Death Rate and Mortality Rate of Infectious Diseases (2008)
    • 21-43 Death Rate of 10 Major Diseases in Urban Areas (2008)
    • 21-44 Death Rate of 10 Major Diseases in Rural Areas (2008)
    • 21-45 Mortality Rate of the Maternal and Children Aged under 5 in Surveillance Areas
    • 21-46 Statistics on New Rural Cooperative Medical System
    • 21-47 Statistics on New Rural Cooperative Medical System by Region (2008)
    • 21-48 Total Expenditure on Public Health
    • Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators